Gäste des Eckerts Wirtshaus genießen Speisen und Getränke auf der Dachterrasse mit Blick auf die Bamberger Altstadt
Gäste sitzen auf der Brückenterrasse des Eckerts in Bamberg und Schirmen am Abend



Preparing delicious and healthy meals, taking time to cook with friends and family and enjoying life while forgetting the stress of everyday life: this is important to us. In the "Treats" workshop, we associate this idea with the Eckerts principle: regionalism and seasonality. Fresh products offer better quality, and the healthiest ingredients are good for us and the environment. Rediscover ancestral specialities such as licorice root or classics such as unpretentious pasta.Treat yourself and others to a piece of Bamberg: the hand-made products from the Bamberger GenussWerkstatt. With our high-quality regional and seasonal products, from fruity jams to exquisite pasta products, you will bring a taste of Bamberg back with you.Then let yourself be tempted by our homemade pasta, fruity jams, unique oils, fine wines and much more, all made from regional products at Hotel Nepomuk or Eckerts. A must for anyone who shares our passion for excellence in quality.

We will gladly make a reservation for you, just ask us!

Closing days at ECKERTS Wirtshaus

You can enjoy your breakfast every day in the ECKERTS Wirtshaus.

For your lunch break or dinner on the two closing days, Wednesday and Thursday, you can find alternatives here.